Hi, I'm Jos
My mission is to help good people build profitable lives and accomplish extraordinary goals, so that they are rewarded for making a positive impact in the world, living from their values, and helping exactly the people they’re meant to serve.
The challenge is that too often, good people do all the “right things” to build what others call a “successful business,” and then…
Either they get overwhelmed dealing with team problems, “scale” problems, changing roles, adding revenue streams, and all of the so-called “luxury problems” that come with building to a certain point… (Usually at the $3-500k/year mark, the $1-3mm/year mark, and again at $5mm/year and $10mm/year)…ORThey successfully build to $8-10mm/year, everything is working well … and they get bored.In either case, when the situation goes on long enough, frustration sets in, then despair and/or apathy.
(Or worse, it continues struggling along, the owner with it, and life just turns in to a soul-sucking grind…)
It doesn’t have to be this way!
I don’t like to brag, but for some reason, people like to know that I have more than two decades of international experience coaching, training, and mentoring clients.
Clients like you have backgrounds that run the gamut from entrepreneurs to executives, military operators to moms, single coaches and service professionals to CEOs of multi-location clinics and international organizations.
Together, we’ve taken them from frustration to fulfilled, busy to blissful, and from stressed to supercharged.
We’ve turned their businesses from soul-sucking, cash-eating, stress-vomiting monsters…
Into simple, smoothly running, profit-producing machines that keep their owners excited, engaged, and PURPOSEFUL in life again.
I’ve been lucky enough to befriend (and smart enough to hire!) some amazing mentors in my life, and reaped the benefits.
Now I “pay it forward” by coaching and mentoring a select number of clients “behind the scenes,” and helping to make the world a better place by helping them make their world a better place.
One amazing individual (and business) at a time.
To ensure the highest level of service, I limit the number of private clients that I work with at any one time, and the vast majority of my clients come by referral or direct invitation. If you would like to explore working with me privately, whether that’s through coaching you directly, advising your management team, or training your sales professionals, and you have a real budget that you wouldn’t object to having your own clients pay you, then the next step is to…